
Rainbow Bridge

Ekphrastic Piece

There is a rainbow bridge.

Upon it, walk people
Of every shade and hue.
Sometimes I think
I’m glad to be there too.

That vibrant rainbow bridge.

I visit it
From time to time.
And, to tell the truth,
It’s become a cozy little place of mine.

I like its unique
Joy and cheer.
In fact, I hold it
Very near and dear.

Many friends
Did I happen to meet there,
Though we were all without maps
And painfully unaware.

It’s very
Easy to miss.
I fault no one, but In doing so,
One is often remiss.

That elusive rainbow bridge.

Sometimes, though,
I wonder why me.
Why was is that I,
above all other people,
Must walk this bridge.

I am not alone,
Nor have I ever been alone, on this bridge,
And I can take comfort in that.

But still, I can’t help but wonder,
Why me?
On this vibrant, elusive rainbow bridge.
